Exploring what great inpatient mental health services look like in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster

Over the last two years, we've been engaging with local patients to explore what great inpatient mental health services could look like in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster in our Voice Exchange project.

The ground breaking project came to an end with a summit at the Indian YMCA earlier this month. In collaboration with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), we brought together local people, patients, organisations and public sector workers to explore the key themes and findings outlined in our Voice Exchange report, which was published last year.

In 2020, CNWL commissioned us to engage with local people who had experience of using inpatient mental health services on the impact of the closure of the Gordon Hospital and to explore what excellent mental health services could look like in the future in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster.

Our summit this month, which was attended by over 40 people both online and in-person, was our third public reflection session looking at the key themes and recommendations that emerged from the project. In January 2023, CNWL published its response to our report, and this summit was also a chance for stakeholders to share their own reflections and feedback for CNWL.

The next steps are for Voice Exchange members and CNWL to develop an action plan to take the recommendations from this work forward.

Thank you to everyone who attended and shared their thoughts, experiences, and reflections.

Find out more

If you would like more information about the Voice Exchange, please contact Laura May at laura@listentoact.org 

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